Everyday Blind Parents Podcast

Podcast logo-teresa 1 nov 2018

Everyday Blind Parents is a podcast designed by blind parents for blind parents. Whether you are a parent now, plan to be in the future, or are just interested in learning how someone with a vision disability could care for children, this podcast is for you. We discuss tips, tricks, and stratagies for dealing with everyday parenting challenges with alternative techniques. From overcoming societal perceptions, tackling hard situations, or just figuring out what type of gear works for you, this podcast is sure to offer something of value to your parenting experience

Ways to listen and subscribe

Via iTunes here

Listen online or view the show page and show notes here



Fostering a Good Working Relationship with Your Child’s School Teachers

Fighting for Custody as a Blind Parent

Tackling Challenges of Social Outings with Children and Networking with Other Parents

Pregnancy and Birth Experiences

Welcome to Everyday Blind Parents
